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Natural Alternatives

Green Earth offers natural approaches that help get to the root cause of a condition. We respect how the body works and how it may react to certain foods and essential elements as well as to outside stressors. We continue to introduce individuals to wholistic living and the keen embrace of discovery.

Natural alternatives are less caustic, less of an aggravant and more nutritionally supportive and tastier. Without synthetic colorings, flavorings, oversalting, oversweetening or genetic modifications, they are an appeal to reawaken our senses. Natural alternatives retain more life in them and are simply better for you.

Bulk Herbs

Herbologists visit Green Earth for our wide assortment of over 500 bulk herbs. Outside of New York City, we have the tri-state area’s most comprehensive selection of herbs. Many are locally grown here on the east end of Long Island. We also carry herbal extracts and prepackaged herbs.

and more…

spices As a full-service marketplace, Green Earth offers an alternative in every major category of household and grocery products at a reasonable price.

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